Soft tissue specialist

We have been working alongside our soft tissue specialist since 2016, she is very highly qualified and provides a vast range of soft tissue repairs here at the practice. These range from ear, nose and throat, hernia repairs, laryngeal paralysis, thoracic and abdominal surgery, wound management, and tumour removal with reconstructive surgery.

Our specialist works alongside our nurse team to provide meticulous care, medication, and surgical procedures for our patients.

We are very proud to offer this service and can not only reduce stress to you and your pet, but also drastically reduce cost of specialised treatment, as all her services are provided here at the practice rather than a veterinary hospital or referral centre.

We do ask that you book an appointment with one of our resident Veterinary Surgeons first to establish and outline the need for the specialist, you can do this through our website, or calling the surgery directly on 0161 766 2550.

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